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CAL·12 Crime/Drama Put On Indefinite Postponement

DERELICT Films November 2016

DERELICT Films has contributed to Shane Ryan's FACES OF SNUFF, the world's first snuff anthology, with disturbing films collected from around the world from over 20 filmmakers, who all push the boundaries of how far cinema can be pushed. "TAPE 6: Session 12" is the title of the sequence. The film is distributed by Wild Eye Raw.

Click the link below to see more about Shane Ryan's FACES OF SNUFF

DERELICT Films December 2014

In the midst of New York City's SantaCon, holiday shoppers and on the last consecutive date in our lifetime, Amy Hesketh of Pachamana Films and DERELICT FIlms' Frank S. Petrilli, Vincent Kulish & Jason Chester hosted a private screening on Saturday night, December 13th, 2014. Thirty plus cast, crew, friends and associates gathered at Studio One at mid-town Manhattan’s famous Weist Barron Studios.


Topping the list was PLAY HOOKY, the award winning 2012 original found film by Petrilli, Kulish & Chester, distributed by Wild Eye Releasing in October this year under the “PollyGrind Presents” sub-label. It was followed by its recently completed sequel: the psychological drama, CATATONIA.


The screening was capped by Amy Hesketh’s recently completed film, OLALLA, based on the same title of the Robert Louis Stevenson short story, first published in 1885. Born and raised in Maine and educated at Bard and Goddard, Hesketh resides and makes films in Bolivia. Her prior film, BARBAZUL, based on the Charles Perrault story, BLUEBEARD from 1697, was screened at PollyGrind 2013.


It was at PollyGrind 2013 where Hesketh met Petrilli, who took advantage of Hesketh’s arrival in New York City from Bolivia, to coordinate the event at Weist Barron, which was quipped “The Unofficial PollyGrinders Mid-Town Manhattan Holly Jolly SantaCon Screening." Typically, the screenings were followed by Q & A’s, cinematic discussions, plus food and libation at a local pub on 45th & 5th.


According to CATATONIA actor Vincent Bernardo, “It was a very nice event for those of us who couldn’t make it to Las Vegas in October. It gave us a little taste of what the real PollyGrind Film Festival is all about. I was blown away.” Petrilli, Kulish & Chester and Hesketh hope this could become an annual Holly Jolly event.


Click the link below to see more about Amy Hesketh and OLALLA.

National ENQUIRER October 21, 2014

The movie {PLAY HOOKY} marks the first release on Wild Eye’s PollyGrind Presents label, which Wild Eye CEO Rob Hauschild said will serve as a platform “for discovering true independent talent.”


Hauschild said “Wild Eye is dedicated to giving independents like Play Hooky” — which received the Most Innovative Film award at the PollyGrind Film Festival — “a position in the mainstream through traditional distribution.”


Click the link below to see more about RADAR ONLINE and PLAY HOOKY

The Mid-Town Manhattan Holly Jolly SantaCon 2014 Screening with Amy Hesketh

RADAR ONLINE: ‘You’ll Never Skip School Again’: ‘Play Hooky’ Now On DVD

Paola Tonini

​Frank S. Petrilli & Amy Hesketh

National ENQUIRER: Terrifying Film ‘Play Hooky’ Now On DVD & VOD

National ENQUIRER October 20, 2014

Play Hooky, an award-winning horror movie Wicked Channel dubbed “the best found footage film of 2014” is now available on DVD and VOD, Wild Eye Releasing said Tuesday.


The film tells the tale of five high school pals who make the ill-advised choice to party at an abandoned mental hospital with a reputation for ghost sightings, satanic rituals and demonic possessions. Filming the proceedings, the school-ditchers run into an irresistible force they’re ill-equipped to handle.


One online critic said director Frank S. Petrilli “keeps the involving story moving along at a snappy pace, grounds the plot in a plausible everyday reality, takes time to carefully develop the characters, and generates plenty of nerve-rattling claustrophobic tension” with the film.


Click the link below to see more about NATIONAL ENQUIRER and PLAY HOOKY

DERELICT Films to contributes to "Paranoia Tapes 1&2"

In The News

​DERELICT Films to drop a sequence into the PARANOIA TAPES

DERELICT Films September 13, 2014

Chad Clinton Freeman, with Jack Hunter, formed the production company Southern Sykos. Freeman is originally from Southeast Texas and Hunter is from East Central Louisiana. They are hailed as the next kings of found footage horror, and also they have been called the John Carpenters and Wes Cravens of Independent film making. That is no lie. Paranoia Tapes is the first Southern Sykos production.


Paranoia Tapes started as a short, but then with quick discussion, Chad and Jack decided to make it a feature. a horror-crime anthology. The duo invited the creators of indie films Amateur Porn Star Killer, After the Dawn, Barbazul, Day Job, L.A. Ripper, Vitamin Z and Play Hooky to join in the project that Freeman describes as, “…an experimental group project featuring a number of terrifying and award winning segments from around the world.”



DERELICT Films contributes to Shane Ryan's Faux Snuff Film Compilation

DERELICT Films July 2015

​Despite getting off to a great start, production on CAL·12 has been postponed indefinitely, to the heart-ache of its cast members. "Schedule conflicts and other life-pursuits have come between production, time constraints and budget," said director Frank S. Petrilli, "When no one draws a pay-check, as is the the case with deferred payment films, you are at the mercy of others. It's the risk you take as an ultra low-budget entity." Two of the four major scenes shot, plus a teaser trailer, have had a rough-cut, and put up on the website.

A New Face and a 2017 Release Date for CATATONIA by Wild Eye Releasing

DERELICT Films December 2016

Wild Eye Releasing has announced February 14, 2017 as the street date for the release of CATATONIA in both American and Canadian markets, particularly on the VOD platform. Also with the announcement came a new cover design reflecting the menacing nature of the film's characters as found in a State Mental Hospital.

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